Neem leaves, chopped, dried, 100g
Extracts of Indian nimba leaves have a natural antibacterial, antiseptic, anti-inflammatory effect.
The ingredients and flavors of herbs are some of the most effective and balanced gifts of nature we know. An incredible plant is the Indian nimbam (Latin: Antelaea azadirachta). It offers a variety of biologically valuable active ingredients that we use today and that have survived and been known for thousands of years. Only the best natural raw materials are used in our Neem products. The use of any petrochemical products (paraffin, etc.), synthetic substances, synthetic preservatives, flavorings or dyes and biotechnologically produced raw materials (enzymes, etc.) is completely avoided. Therefore, our Neem products are especially suitable for people with allergies.
Neemo leaves come from a small farm in Tanzania, where nimba plantations are grown under controlled biological rules. Nimban leaves are free of any foreign matter and are often used by doctors and professionals.
Nimbamed is known in the East as a cure for many diseases. Modern medicine has confirmed the findings of Eastern sages.
The East gave this world this tree. His birthplace was India, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, Malaysia. From there, the tree spread throughout Africa, much of America, Australia. It is called differently - "panacea for all diseases", "magic tree", "donating health". The bottom line is that it certainly has some amazing properties that have been used in the treatment of Ayurveda since time immemorial. The strong therapeutic effect of nimbeam is confirmed by modern scientific research. The United Nations has named this tree the most promising tree of the future.
The useful properties of the nimba tree are determined by the rich chemical composition of all parts of the tree - leaves, flowers, fruits, bark. They contain more than 140 complex chemical compounds, some of which are still not well understood by us today.
Various extracts, powders, ointments are prepared from the nimba tree, which are used both in pure form or as an additive in cosmetics. Medicinal food supplements are also produced on their basis.